2009 National Qualifier No. 8 - Page #1

Nice day, not too hot AND dry
Nice day, not too hot AND dry
Rosie always brings a smile to a face
Rosie always brings a smile to a face
Just give me the money
Just give me the money
We're not going on that hill again
We're not going on that hill again
That's good
That's good
We've got what we want thanks
We've got what we want thanks
Fallen out? Surely not so soon
Fallen out? Surely not so soon
It's over there, I'm sure
It's over there, I'm sure
Excuse my back, but I'm still smiling
Excuse my back, but I'm still smiling
Peter - Everyone else is pointing the opposite way!
Peter - Everyone else is pointing the opposite way!
That way!
That way!
This looks good, signal crashing in
This looks good, signal crashing in
Good for us too
Good for us too
OK, we've all got here now
OK, we've all got here now
I suppose we're last? (No!!)
I suppose we're last? (No!!)
Don't do that when I'm knackered!
Don't do that when I'm knackered!

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